The Council’s Regular Monthly Meeting was held on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7: pm in the Municipal Office, Board room.
Council: Allan McInnis
Jeff Hackett
Judy Morrissey Richard
Angel Murphy
Wayne Gavin
Gerald Keough
Debbie Fennessey
CAO: Karen Gaudet Gavin
Staff: Chancey Gaudette – Recreation Director
Media: Laura Mills: West Prince Graphic
- 1. Meeting called to order
Chairperson Allan McInnis called the meeting to order, time 7:05pm
- a Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
No one declared they were in conflict.
- Approval of Agenda
Copies of the agenda were included in the council’s package.
It was moved by Councillor Gerald Keough and seconded by Councillor Jeff Hackett:
That the agenda be approved with the addition under New Business, section 8.b and c. Motion Carried
- Approval of Minutes
Copies of the Council’s Regular Monthly Meeting were included in the council’s package.
It was moved by Councillor Debbie Fennessey and seconded by Councillor Angel Murphy:
That the minutes of the Council’s Regular Monthly Meeting of November 9th, 2015 be approved as presented. Motion Carried
- Business Arising
No comments or reviews.
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- Reports
- A) Lights, Sidewalks, Fire Department – Wayne Gavin
Re: St. Lights, Councillor Gavin reported he checked the street light on Park Lane and agreed that it should be relocated near the intersection of Park and Irma Lane.
Motion – relocate Street Light
It was moved by Councillor Wayne Gavin and seconded by Councillor Gerald Keough:
To discontinue the street light back of Dr. Hove’s property on Park Lane and to place a street light by the intersection of Park and Irma Lane. Motion Carried
Re: Fire Department, Councillor Gavin reported the Brigade responded to six calls and listed the nature of the calls.
- B) Park/Planning Board — Debbie Fennessey
Re: Park – no report
Re: Planning Board, Councillor Debbie Fennessey held a planning board meeting to discuss a letter received from Malory Benjamin, who is requesting to operate a hair salon in one of the accessory buildings located at 351 Church Street.
It was discussed by the board to follow the regulation of the Tignish Zoning and Subdivision Control Bylaw, section 4.43.1 Home Occupations in Residential Zones.
The Board is recommending the council to not permit the placement of a Hair Salon.
Motion – Hair Salon denied
It was discussed and moved by Councillor Debbie Fennessey and seconded by Councillor Jeff Hackett:
To accept the recommendation of the Planning Board to deny the letter to place a Hair Salon at 351 Church Street as per section 4.43.1 “Home Occupation in Residential Zones”. Motion Carried
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- Reports – continued
- C) Recreation/RCMP/Finance – Jeff Hackett
Re: Recreation, Councillor Hackett asked Chancey Gaudette to give a report on recreation. She reported the Santa Clause Parade only had a few floats. Chancey mentioned that in the fall of 2016 she and the Administrator will talk to various groups and businesses on whether or not they would commit in entering a float in the 2016 parade.
During the report Chairperson McInnis excused himself from the presentation but returned prior to Chancey’s completion of the report.
The parents’ night off seen 23 registered and more will by the deadline. She is accepting 30 kids. This event is being held at the Tignish Elementary School.
Chancey received good comments on the Christmas Calendar events and the face book page.
Chancey is looking at introducing Ringette and will look at ice time as well book Francois Caron to put on a try program.
Re: Police, Councillor Hackett read the report received from the RCMP for the month of December. Copies of the report were included in the council’s package.
At this time Chairperson McInnis stressed his disappointment with the RCMP and ask the Administrator to arrange a meeting with the top rank and once a date is arranged in the New Year to contact the business people to sit in on this meeting to give their input.
Re: Motion – Bills to be paid
Copies of the list of bills were circulated to the council. The list of bills totalling $103,403.20 included payment of grants as per budget, the Firefighters’ and Councillor’s Honorarium, the RCMP contract.
It was moved by Councillor Hackett and seconded by Councillor Angel Murphy:
That the list of bills totalling $103,403.20 be approved for payment. Motion Carried
- D) Sewer/Water & Property Management – Gerald Keough
Re: Sewer/Water – Councillor Keough read the report prepared by the Maintenance Person, Mike Gavin. The report indicated the list of things Mike had worked on such as pinpointing GPS coordinates for the water and sewerage systems.
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- Reports – continued
- Reports – continued
- D) Sewer/Water & Property Management – Gerald Keough
Under the water system the #3 Well has not been working properly. Mike ordered a pump and motor whereby one or the other is not working. This has cost the utility $3000. The casing for Well # 2 was run into by a vehicle, since then Well # 2 has not been working 100%. During the repairing of Well #3 the pump for Well#2 will be lifted to check it out.
Re: Lagoon, Chairperson McInnis updated the Council on the negotiation of land that will be used for a second cell.
- E) Tignish Initiatives/CIB – Angel Murphy
Re: CIB, it was noted that decorated branches were placed on some of the post in the community and that Chairperson McInnis’ wife, Carolyn purchased ribbons to have them placed with the branches.
The Legion was awarded $100 Gift Certificate from Home Hardware for their Garden “Less We Forget”.
Re: Tignish Initiatives, Councillor Murphy attended her first meeting with the board and gave a brief report.
- F) Library/Streets/Website – Judy Morrissey Richard
No report
- Public comments
No Comments
- Correspondence
- a) Federation of PEI Municipalities – Hosting the Annual Meeting
Council decided not to submit the Community’s name since Tignish hosted the 2015 Semi Annual Meeting.
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- Correspondence
- b) Motion -PEI Crime Stoppers
Copies of the Information received from Crime Stoppers were included in the council’s package.
It was moved by Councillor Jeff Hackett and seconded by Councillor Gerald Keough:
That the Community will not donate to the PEI Crime Stoppers. Motion Carried
- c) Western Hospital – information session – Collaborative Emergency Centre
The Information Session will be held on Monday, Dec. 21st at 4: pm. Councillor Jeff Hackett will inform the office by Dec. 17th if he can attend.
- New Business
- a) Motion – Santa Claus visit and New Year’s Levy
The community cost shared the two events at $475 for 2014/2015.
It was moved by Councillor Jeff Hackett and seconded by Councillor Debbie Fennessey:
To cost share with the Tignish Legion the Santa Claus visit and the New Year’s Levee. Motion Carried
- b) Motion – replace the damaged Siding on the West and North side of the Municipal
It was moved by Councillor Jeff Hackett and seconded by Councillor Angel Murphy:
To get Mike to replace the siding damaged on the Municipal Building. Motion Carried
- c) Motion – Gift Certificate/Bonus
It was discussed and moved by Councillor Jeff Hackett and seconded by Judy Morrissey Richard:
To purchase gift certificates for Judy Doucette and Jamie McCue and Christmas Bonus to the employees. Motion Carried
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- Next Meeting
The Council’s next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held on Monday, January 11th, 2016
- Meeting Adjourned
Chairperson McInnis adjourned the meeting at 8:40pm.
Chairperson Allan McInnis
CAO – Karen Gaudet Gavin